Sunday 19 February 2017

About ROC

ROC (SBP2852 Readings on Cities / Kent Okumaları) bases on reading, discussing and reflecting on articles/papers on processes taking place in cities, with a special focus on those related with urban transformation and gentrification. 

The language of the course is bad English. During the course, all the presentations and discussions will be made in bad English. The assignments will also be written in bad English.

Attendance and other Responsibilities of the Students
No attendance will be taken during the course and there will be no mid-term exams. However there will be assignments (response papers, article presentations) or small quizzes every week. Participation to the discussions is important and will be appreciated: those who participate to the discussions will be given bonus points. The class starts at 11:00. Students are expected to be at class before 11.00. There will be a break between 11:45 and 12:00. The course ends at 12:45. 

Article Presentations
Each student will be presenting an article during the course. Details are given in the 'how to present an article' link (check the link on the right side of the blog). Students can also check the date of their presentations and the articles they will be presenting on the online draft programme (check 'draft program' link on the right side of the blog). Each student is supposed to present his/her article on the date announced on the online programme. Those who don't present on time won't havr another chance to present.

Response Papers
Response papers will be discussed in class in the week following the submission of the assignment. Detailed information is given in another post (check the link on the right side of the blog).

Vocabulary Quizzes
The vocabulary quizzes will be based on the vocabulary sets that will be published on draft programme page for relevant week. Students are required to check the website to download these vocabulary sets. The vocabulary tests start at 11:00 and last about 2 minutes.

PSIS / Grading
The points/grades given to the assignments and quizzes and presentations will be declared online on PSIS (the online grading system of the course) link on the website (check the link on the right side of the blog). The final exam will cover 30 points and rest (70 points) will be completed by the assignments and quizzes during the semester (the weight of each assignment and quiz is declared on the top row of PSIS). The grading system bases both on content and format (details about the format for each assignment will be given in the relevant posts). 

Compensation Exam
There will be a compensation exam on week 15, for students who failed to complete all the assignments or take all the quizzes during the course. The complementary exam will cover one missing assignment and one quiz. Details will be given at the end of the semester. There will be no compensation for the article presentations.

All the announcements will be made on the blog. Students are required to check the blog each week before the class. For any questions/suggestions/comments about the course use the following email address:

note: the instructor holds his rights to make changes to the programme and the grades (2-3 points maximum) according to the dersin gidişatına bakarak... 

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